PO BOX 1907

SEDALIA,  MO  65302 

660 281 6551

Serving Brings JOY!

(An active member of the Outreach Team, JoDee Buso attends

First Christian Church in Sedalia, MO.)



True joy and happiness aren’t found in a life lived for oneself, but rather a life of giving of
oneself for others. Jesus said it best---“It is more blessed to give than to receive

(Acts 20:35 NKJ).”

In this farewell letter to the Ephesians, Paul was speaking of his relationship with his fellow believers.  Throughout his ministry there he had cared for them, prayed with them, and even cried with them over their needs.   He only cared about their needs and never his own.   He was a tentmaker by trade and Paul never cared about being rich, but only wanted to be able to provide for himself, the people who traveled with him and to be able to support his ministry.


I have always found JOY and purpose in my life by serving others.   I have had the privilege to participate in many mission trips domestically and internationally as well as locally.   It’s hard to say which one is my favorite memory or which one brought me and the people we were serving the most JOY.   I guess the one that stands out the most was a trip to Boca Chica, Dominican Republic. Among our group were several women that set out to teach 10 women how to sew.    We carried 10 new sewing machines in our carry-on bags along with a LOT of material.   By teaching these women to sew, they had a trade that provided income for their families, some by doing mending and some by sewing backpacks to sell etc.   This earned income might mean their children didn’t have to shine shoes on the street and miss school.   The first day we met with them was daunting because of the language difference. There was a lot of hand gestures and showing by example.   One of the first English words they learned was….stop, stop STOP!   After that first evening together, we laughed about how when they didn’t understand, one of us would say it slower and one of us would just say it louder.   Neither of which made a difference.   Throughout the whole week, they learned how to read a pattern by looking at the pictures and how to operate the sewing machine.  We made backpacks without a pattern and they each made an article of clothing.   At the end of the week, we delivered the new sewing machines to them at their homes.   There were so many tears of thankfulness, and they were so hospitable to us in their humble homes.   Words cannot express the JOY we all felt in being together in fellowship through teaching and learning.   God was so present with us that whole week!

I believe God calls each one of us to be open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in finding ways to be a blessing to others especially during this Christmas advent season.   I encourage you to look for the struggling single mother, the elderly, the person in a nursing home with no family and think of ways to bring a little Christmas JOY to their lives.   We are created to walk alongside God and participate in His plans.   When we do this, we are using our spiritual gifts and have purpose and direction in our lives and along the way finding our own JOY. Do you believe serving others creates JOY? I do!