PO BOX 1907

SEDALIA,  MO  65302 

660 281 6551

A Glimpse of God's Kingdom

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being.  What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not over come it." 

John 1:1-5



Recently during a staff meeting, our Pastor asked us this question:   "Have you ever glimpsed the Kingdom?"  He invited us to close our eyes and share what we saw.   I didn't hesitate...Ensenada, Mexico.


I serve as the Associate Pastor of First Christian Church in Sedalia, MO; and our Outreach team recently teamed up with Just Jump Ministries on a trip to Ensenada, Mexico to serve with our Mission Partner, Iglesias del Oeste.  During that trip we served at the Grandpa's Home and also spent Friday night and Saturday morning serving in a neighborhood in Ensenada where Laura lives.  Laura hosts Breakfast Club every Saturday morning and invites children to her home for a nutritional breakfast, craft, games, and to hear a lesson from the Bible.  She is meeting these kids and families where they are, bringing Jesus to them.


While we were there, we hosted a block party on Friday evening.   Everywhere I looked I saw the face of Jesus.  I saw Jesus in the moms talking and finding community in one another, something they hadn't experienced before.  I saw Jesus in Laura who invites these families to her home each and every week, so they might hear the Word of God and experience His love.  I saw Jesus in the faces of the children with whom I played frisbee for what felt like HOURS.


This is where I had a glimpse of God's Kingdom here on earth.  People from different places, and life experiences, coming together to share love and community.  People speaking different languages all experiencing the same love of Jesus.  We didn't need to speak the same language in order to experience the Kingdom... together.


This is what Jesus' birth means.  Jesus came to earth to break chains.   To tear down barriers such as race and language.  As we were reminded through this trip, language is no barrier to experiencing and sharing God's love.   Jesus' birth reminds us, that those of us who walk in darkness have seen a great light...the light of Jesus.  We are called to share that light through many ways.   For me, that light was seen and shared in that neighborhood in Ensenada, Mexico that June evening.


What does the birth of Jesus mean to you?  How is his birth breaking down barriers in your life?   How are you being called to work in the Kingdom to share this light that is born to us?  May we live out these words from O Holy Night:


Truly He taught us to love one another

His law is love and His gospel is peace

Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother

And in His name, all oppression shall cease

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we

Let all within us praise His holy name


Advent blessings,

Rev. Tara Thompson